Building the future of tourism: from updating to planning

Tourism has been one of the sectors most thoughtfully affected by the Covid Emergency. Now the first signs of recovery are coming, but by now everyone knows that nothing will go back to the way it was. In the relaunch programs of the institutions to support the recovery of the sector, they are looking at new models of growth, based on sustainable development. For this reason, those who are working or want to build their future in this sector, must keep up to date with new developments and start to think with foresight, in order to keep up with the times and not miss important growth opportunities.

This is why MAST, a project funded by the UfM for Employment Promotion and implemented by 5 partner organizations (,  has launched an online course, completely free of charge, to offer everyone a short online learning path on sustainable tourism, which will allow the next generation of entrepreneurs to obtain skills and competences to produce new business ideas and/or renew their offer. The course is divided into 6 modules, with a total duration of one hour, and a specific module is focused on health measures against COVID-19. To view the course, which is available in English, Italian, Greek and French, simply access this link and perform a quick registration.


But that’s not all. All those who will register and follow the course will be able to submit a project or business idea that will be evaluated by the partners of the MAST project. At the end, the best ideas that will be selected will receive a special prize and the partners will select the best ones that will receive an award as “best business ideas for sustainable tourism”. Please note: the deadline for submission of projects is December 31, 2021.

After registration, you can ask for assistance in the presentation of the project by contacting the partner of your country (EILD Ngo – Greece, MACTT Ngo – Malta, UPO – Italy, UMNAGRI – Tunisia, AORADRCS – Morocco). To do this, simply complete with your data the contact form on the website requesting more information. At the end, as a final step, the winning projects will be supported with a specific coaching service to help the entrepreneurs or young winners to evaluate and identify the technical and financial resources necessary for the development of their project.

MAST therefore invites all young people, students, teachers, professionals and entrepreneurs related to tourism to update and get involved, to contribute to the great revival of the sector.

Contact us for more information


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The relaunch of Mediterranean tourism in the post-Covid era: restarting with sustainable development
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Le projet MAST: Alliance méditerranéenne pour le tourisme durable post COVID-19

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